To give an idea of what Sega WOW would focus on in the sequel: 忍Kunoichi features 13 stages instead. It was this foundation that 忍Shinobi lived off of and built its 8 missions around. Like in 忍Shinobi, the goal is then to keep the chain going while getting more and more powerful, eventually killing everything in a single blow until the fight ends and the counter resets. Starting a countdown when Hibana kills the first enemy, this timer fills up a tad with each kill while also making her stronger. The name of the game is still the Tate system. Like Hotsuma before her, Hibana can double jump, climb on walls, throw stunning kunai and perform aerial dashes, supplemented by regular and charged attacks (dubbed ‘stealth attacks’ in this game). Starting off, the basic premise is unchanged. Playing 忍Kunoichi today (called 忍Nightshade in the west) it would quickly become apparent which path they chose. So it was either “ eliminating negatives” or “ warts and all”. With 忍Shinobi being Japanese for ‘male ninja’, they went for ‘female ninja’:įor a title under such tight pressure, Sega WOW didn’t have the time to reinvent the wheel. Hibana, a sexy ninja operative sporting a white latex suit with twin scarfs was to replace Hotsuma and as such they saw fit to also change the series’s title.
The first change however was also already in the works it would be the first title in the series to star a female lead. Sega WOW’s first call was that the sequel would build upon the groundwork 忍Shinobi had laid i.e its engine and gameplay. All unique games with short development times, finding joy in jank and having the tight deadline force the developer to make quick and hard calls. Many studios produced some of their best work under pressure, like God Hand, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Halo 2 and P.N.03. One day less than a whole year for concepting, designing, developing, testing, adjusting, marketing, production, shipping and releasing the game. This was the time allotted to the development team of Sega WOW to produce the next entry in this long running series. From the launch of 忍Shinobi on the Playstation 2 to the release of its sequel.